Learning how to set and achieve dance goals is one of the most valuable skills we can teach our young dancers. Not only will it open the gateway to incredible success but it is a skill they can take with them for the rest of their lives. Goal setting for dancers is not always an easy concept to grasp. The idea of working step by step towards something can be difficult for young dancers. Helping our dancers understand what kinds of goals to set to really prime them for success, how to set them and then how to break them down into small achievable steps is the key to goal setting for dancers. To really help our dancers set realistic and achievable goals, in other words to truly unlock the power of goal setting for dancers they need to understand six key concepts. The Resources for Dance Teachers goal setting resource pack is aimed at young dance students and aims to. Goal setting for dancers.
The first and one of the most crucial steps in goal setting is to write it down! You can use so many different forms to write things down, it can be something as simple as quickly jotting down a note in your phone or handwriting it in a journal. Which ever you choose, make sure that you are setting these goals in a positive language format. Example: Try using Introduce yourself to more people in class instead of Stop being shy. Did you know that you can have about thoughts running through your head each minute of the day?
Having visionary dance goals — along with a realistic plan to achieve them — is vital for dancers of all ages and at every stage of their careers. Dance is hard work — there is no way around that! Dance training can be tedious, strenuous, and require lots of sacrifice. You often have to deal with rejection, frustration, and imposter syndrome, and can easily experience burnout and fatigue. Goal-setting can keep you motivated and making process, even when things get challenging or overwhelming.